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EZSale and Real Estate

Problems in the field

The number of customers interested in the real estate sector is small, difficult to reach and find customers in need. Too much raw data takes time and manpower to classify.

The number of customers interested in the real estate sector is small, difficult to reach and find customers in need. Too much raw data takes time and manpower to classify.

Data overload peak season when lack of personnel to run. New employees can't get to work right away, it takes time and costs to train products.

Data overload peak season when lack of personnel to run. New employees can't get to work right away, it takes time and costs to train products.

Difficulty tracking and managing employee work. Difficult to keep track of sales progress and capture transaction information with customers.

Difficulty tracking and managing employee work. Difficult to keep track of sales progress and capture transaction information with customers.



  • By listening to users on social networks, by accessing the articles that customers are interested in on real estate groups and fanpages.
  • Understand customers’ concerns about each type of real estate such as apartments, villas, offices, … and customers’ tastes about each type of real estate.
  • EZSale collects customer demand data about each type of real estate and returns it to the system in a complete and relatively accurate way.

callbot virtual switchboard


  • Real estate data often makes many employees frustrated when they have to classify large amounts of duplicate data.
  • Callbot system with ready-made script works 24/7 without supervision.
  • Accurately classify raw data files into customer groups according to the requirements of the real estate business, reducing part of the boring work for employees.


  • EZSale provides telesales team that can work immediately. Make sure to have expertise and work experience, understand the real estate sector about the market situation and characteristics of each type of real estate: houses, rental houses, office areas, …, as well such as the characteristics of customers with demand in each segment.
  • Online telesale team easily meets the needs of fast data processing, reaching the right target customers of the business.

CRM SYSTEM + Smart Call Center


  • Smart CRM system, allowing to automatically update the work progress of each employee, reminding and dividing the appropriate workload.
  • Integrating the switchboard right on the mobile app allows to make calls and handle calls with customers anytime, anywhere.
  • Allows listening to calls to customers in real time, or listening to unlimited recording files, helping to optimize and find the most accurate and effective real estate sales scenario.


Bring in quality leads without spending too much on advertising.

Bring in quality leads without spending too much on advertising.

Easily control and track customer information and progress, reducing pressure on managers.

Easily control and track customer information and progress, reducing pressure on managers.

Promote sales opportunities, increase revenue for businesses.

Promote sales opportunities, increase revenue for businesses.

Increase the opportunity to sell quickly and strongly

Increase the opportunity to sell quickly and strongly

Increase the opportunity to sell quickly and strongly